Published: 14:36, May 20, 2024

Federal Antimonopoly Service: maximum prices for mineral fertilizers will remain at the 2022 level

The measure to fix prices for mineral fertilizers will be extended. Their maximum value will remain at the 2022 level. This is due to the adoption of a resolution of the Russian government on quotas for the export of mineral fertilizers, according to the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS).


“The maximum prices for mineral fertilizers were voluntarily fixed by producers in 2021 and were formed in accordance with the recommendations of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia. They provided for setting prices at a level no higher for the period May–July 2021 and their indexation in June and September 2022. Indexing is not currently contemplated. Similar measures were taken in 2023,” the service said in the statement.

It should be reminded that at the end of last month the Cabinet of Ministers established quotas for the export of mineral fertilizers from June 1 to November 30. The Ministry of Industry and Trade is entrusted with the distribution of quotas among exporters.

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