Published: 16:01, June 3, 2024

The Verny Supermarket Chain Subject to A Cyberattack

The Verny supermarket chain has been attacked by hackers; the company is currently working to restore its systems and customer services. This was reported by the retailer’s press service, writes TASS.

Photo: Alexander Plonsky / «Agroexpert»

“The retail chain has been subject to a hacker attack, resulting in some systems operating with difficulties. The company is working to restore the functionality of all systems and customer services,” Verny reported, adding that they will urgently inform customers and suppliers about all changes.

The number of cyberattacks is increasing and they are becoming more complex. Over the past 2 years, the majority of cyberattacks concerned government organizations (44%) and the telecommunications industry (14%), with agriculture being in the top three. Read more about this in the material “Veterinary Medicine and Life” — “Agrohackers in action: cybercriminals have targeted agricultural complexes”.

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