Published: 17:31, June 4, 2024

Mikhail Mishustin Approves the List of State Programs Curators

Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, has approved changes to the list of curators of state programs at the level of deputy prime ministers.


According to the list, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev will be in charge of the state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food, as well as the state programs “Fishery Complex Development”, “Rural Areas Integrated Development”, “Environmental protection”, “Reproduction and use of natural resources” and “Forestry Development”. He will also supervise the implementation of the state program for the effective involvement of agricultural lands in circulation and the development of the reclamation complex, as repor by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Institute of Supervision was launched in 2021. It allows to make the management of government programs more flexible. The curator forms the management council and is its chairman. Curators monitor the development and implementation of the state program, timely adjustment of parameters, and also the achievement of planned results.

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