Published: 18:02, June 4, 2024

Russia Increases Imports of Edible Eggs, Iran Wants to Contribute to Supplies

Russia has imported 76.7 million pieces of edible eggs from Azerbaijan and Turkey; in addition, since the beginning of the year, Belarus has supplied 305.5 million eggs. Iran plans to join the supply, as follows from the materials of Rosselkhoznadzor.

Photo: Alexander Plonsky / «Agroexpert»

“As of June 3, since Russia started importing edible eggs, 45.5 million eggs have been imported from Azerbaijan, and 31.2 million from Turkey. Since the beginning of 2024, 305.5 million eggs have been imported from Belarus, which is 2.7 times more compared to the same period last year,” the statement says.

The authorities began taking measures to expand the import of edible eggs in Russia last autumn due to the sharp rise in price of these products within the country. The import of edible eggs from Azerbaijan to Russia began in the second half of December 2023. Products from Turkey began to arrive under tariff benefits from the beginning of January 2024 (from January 1 to June 30, up to 1.2 billion chicken eggs can be imported duty-free). Over the entire 2023, 111.2 million eggs were exported from Belarus to Russia.

Iran also plans to begin exporting edible eggs and egg products to the Russian Federation: the Russian department recently announced that it had discussed with the veterinary organization of Iran the possibility of such supplies.

“During a conversation with a specialist from the Iranian Veterinary Organization, the parties discussed the possibility of supplying edible eggs and egg products. The colleague asked to consider proposals for the producers and products sent to Rosselkhoznadzor, providing guarantees of compliance with the requirements of the Eurasian Economic Union and Russia,” the message says.

According to recently published data from Rosstat, in the first four months of 2024, chicken eggs in Russia received 2.4% less than in January-April a year ago — 12.752 billion pieces. At the end of 2023, agricultural organizations increased egg production by 1.8%, to 38.056 billion pieces.

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