Published: 15:03, June 17, 2024

Russia Ranks as Fourth-Largest Wheat Supplier to Indonesia

According to ‘Agroexport’ (the Federal Center for the Development of Export of Agricultural Products), Russia has ranked fourth among wheat suppliers to Indonesia based on the first quarter performance.

Credit: elena_larina / iStock

«According to the ITC Trade Map, Russian companies exported to the republic 491,000 tons of grains with a total value exceeding $138 million during the January–March period,” reports the Center.

Russia resumed wheat exports to Indonesia in May 2023 after a 2.5-year pause. This country is ranked among the top three largest wheat importers, alongside Egypt and China.

Expert estimates suggest that by 2030, Russian wheat and meslin exports to Indonesia will reach 2 million tons, with a value estimated at $480 million.

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