Agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation produced more meat and fewer eggs in January — April — Rosstat
The production of livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight in agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation in January — April 2024 compared to January — April 2023 increased by 4%, to 4.487 million tons, gross milk yield increased by 4.1%, to 1.752 million tons, and chicken eggs received 2.4% less, 12.752 billion pieces.

According to Rosstat materials, 378.2 thousand tons of cattle (for slaughter in live weight) were produced during the reporting period (plus 9.4% year-on-year), pigs — 1.916 million tons (plus 8%), sheep and goats — 7.5 thousand tons (plus 3%), as well as 2.179 million tons of poultry — at the level of last year.
In April, agricultural organizations of livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight produced 5.5% more than in April 2022 — 1.157 million tons, including 95.8 thousand tons of cattle (an increase of 9.8%) , 503 thousand tons of pigs (an increase of 10.2% higher). The production of sheep and goats increased by 29%, to 2.3 thousand tons, and poultry — by 0.9%, to 555 thousand tons.
Gross milk production in April increased by 3.2%, to 1.752 million tons, 3.095 billion eggs were received — 3.1% less than in April 2023.
At the end of the year, the number of cattle in agricultural organizations of the Russian Federation decreased by 2.9%, to 7.663 million heads, including 3.076 million cows (minus 2.9%). In addition, the number of poultry decreased by 1.2%, to 465.317 million, sheep and goats — by 8.1%, to 2.253 million. In turn, the number of pigs by the end of April increased by 2.9% and amounted to 27.276 million.

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