Published: 16:14, May 22, 2024

Kazakhstan lifts restrictions on the supply of pigs and pig products from the Russian Federation

The lifting of restrictions on the import and transit of live pigs and pig products of the Russian Federation was the result of negotiations between the head of Rosselkhoznadzor Sergei Dankvert and the Vice Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Amangaliy Berdalin, the Russian agency reported.


From May 22, restrictions on the import and transit through Kazakhstan of products from 33 regions of Russia free from African swine fever (ASF) will be lifted. We are talking about the following products: live pigs, boar semen, pork, including wild boar meat and its processed products that have not undergone heat treatment.

The import of leather, horn-hoofed and intestinal raw materials, bristles, hunting trophies obtained from susceptible species of animals, feed and feed additives of animal origin and used equipment for the transportation, maintenance, slaughter and cutting of pigs is also allowed.

The department indicates that it will continue to work with the veterinary service of Kazakhstan on the issue of lifting temporary restrictions on ASF from another 26 regions of Russia that are free from ASF. The same work will be carried out in 42 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in respect of which a ban on the transit of pig products through the territory of Kazakhstan was unlawfully introduced, the service notes.

In addition, the parties once again discussed the importance of integrating information systems, agreeing to hold negotiations with technical specialists to organize the relevant work. Kazakh colleagues are expecting a visit from Russian representatives to provide advisory assistance.

Kazakhstan introduced temporary restrictions on the import and transit through its territory of certain types of Russian pig products due to the registration of ASF from September 29, 2023. At the beginning of May, representatives of the competent department informed the Russian side that the issue of lifting restrictions would be resolved in the near future.

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