Published: 23:52, June 19, 2024

New National Standard for Canned Poultry to Apply from January 1

The Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandard) authorized a new national standard (GOST) for canned poultry.

Photo by Alexander Plonsky / Agroexpert

According to the agency, GOST 28589-2024, “Canned Poultry with Natural Juices: Product Specification,” will take effect on January 1, 2025, with the right of early application. Until then, the international standard GOST GOST 28589-2014 remains in effect.

«The GOST standard is applicable to sterilized canned foods packed in natural juices, made from a variety of poultry, including broiler chickens, chicks, turkeys, turkey poults, geese, goslings, ducks, ducklings, guinea fowl, guinea-fowl broilers, and quails», states the agency.

The document outlines technical specifications for raw materials and finished products, defines labeling standards, acceptance procedures, control methods, and transportation and storage requirements.

The ratified standard provides the foundation for the development of technological guidelines for the manufacturing of specific canned poultry meat varieties. Besides that, canned poultry must be evaluated for compliance with the EAEU Technical Regulation on the Safety of Poultry Meat and Processed Poultry Meat Products before its release into the commercial market. This regulation also outlines the process for the registration of baby food products, which leads to the issuance of a national registration certificate.

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