Published: 15:26, June 3, 2024

Russian Scientists Have Created Varieties of Crops Resistant to Heat and Frost

Scientists of the Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology, Complex Melioration and Protective Afforestation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FSC of Agroecology RAS) in Volgograd have received eight new varieties of crops resistant to heat and frost, which are planned to be patented this year. The obtained varieties will ensure an increase in yield by 2-3 hundred kilograms per hectare, according to Elena Sukhareva, senior researcher at the laboratory of selection, seed and nursery production, PhD in Agriculture, as reported by TASS.

Photo: Alexander Plonsky / «Agroexpert»

“Patents will be received in 2024: common millet “Diana” and “Melania”, safflower “Sashok” and “Danil”, barley “Lunarium”, winter wheat “Vernost-50” and “Kapelka”, Sudan grass “Polina” “. Their uniqueness consists in their being bred in our arid zone, extreme continental climate, they are prone to our zone. That is, they can withstand the heat reaching 40 degrees in the summer, the frosts, the winter weather with rains in January-February, and then there are severe frosts,” Elena Sukhareva clarified.

According to her, the new plants are suitable for growing in any region of Russia.

“The planned yield will be definitely higher by 2-3 hundred kilograms per hectare. If winter wheat is harvested in the amount of 40 hundred kilograms per hectare, then it will be 42–43 hundred kilograms on average. “It will all depend on natural factors,” stated the representative of the scientific center.

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