Published: 14:45, May 20, 2024

Russian milk producers plan to increase exports by 15–20%

Exports of dairy products from Russia may increase by 15–20% by the end of 2024, compared to 2023. This forecast was made by the General Director of the National Union of Milk Producers Artem Belov, TASS reports.

Photo: Alexander Plonsky / Agroexpert

“Export plans are now very ambitious. Business is still approaching valuations a little more conservatively. At a minimum, we expect that export volumes will increase by 15–20% this year. And what is important, I hope that the change in the structure of exports and the increase in exports to the non-CIS market will continue. The share of these countries will increase,” said Artem Belov.

At the end of last year, exports of dairy products from the Russian Federation amounted to about $0.5 billion.

“Every 25th liter of milk that was produced in the Russian Federation was exported,” the publication’s interlocutor emphasized.

He added that in 2023 Russia mainly supplied dairy products to post-Soviet countries such as Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan, with China leading among non-CIS countries.

Also last year, Russian dairy products entered the markets of North Africa and Algeria for the first time. At the same time, Algeria became the second largest importer after China.

“If two years ago the ratio of supplies to post-Soviet countries and non-CIS countries was approximately 1 to 10, now it is 1 to 5. The dynamics here are obviously positive. We began to supply more to the world market,” the expert concluded.

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