Published: 17:12, June 7, 2024

Sergey Dankvert Highlights Surge in Volume and Diversification of Russian Pork Exports to China

Russian pork exports to China could reach 100,000 tons in 2024 under the most optimistic forecasts, with a minimum of 15, 000 tons, Sergey Dankvert, Head of Rosselkhoznadzor, said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Photo by Alexander Plonsky /V&L

Sergey Dankvert mentioned the growth in Russian pork exports to China, with shipments exceeding 4,260 tons since the opening of the Chinese market until June 2, 2024. This marks a significant increase from the 3,768 tons reported just a week earlier.

“The volume of Russian pork exports is on the rise, driven by the dedication of our exporters. We anticipate a potential increase in supply volume ranging from 30,000 to 100,000 tons. By the end of the year, we expect to achieve a minimum supply threshold of 15,000 tons. We have the capacity, it all depends on market demand,” stated Sergey Dankvert.

He also mentioned the expansion of the product range by Russian exporters: initially, exports consisted primarily of ears, tails, stomachs, and legs, but now they also include briskets. “Each container may hold up to 40 different items,” stated the head of the service. “Exports to China have commenced, and there is a willingness to participate; the only question that remains is whether China is prepared to expand its demand.”

It took over 7 years for the Rosselkhoznadzor to finally establish the potential for Russian pork to enter the Chinese market. The multi-stage process involved negotiations, visits by Chinese representatives to Russia to evaluate the Russian pig products safety control system, and providing comprehensive information requested by China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC).

In September 2023, China lifted restrictions on African swine fever (ASF) that had been imposed on Russia since 2008. As of February 28, 2024, GAC granted access to the Chinese market for three Russian pork producers: SK Korocha (part of the Miratorg Agro-Industrial Holding), Tambov Bacon (Rusagro Group of Companies), and the Velikoluksky Meat Processing Plant.

With the Chinese market now open, Russian pig farmers are poised to double the volume of Russia’s total pork exports. “In the previous year, we exported approximately 250,000 tons of pork products. These figures represent the maximum volumes for the markets currently accessible to our exports. The opening of the Chinese market encourages us to expect an almost twofold increase in export volumes within the next 3-5 years. Although shipments have only recently commenced, we hold significant competitive advantages in terms of cost, logistics, and the ruble’s exchange rate. We aim to secure a 5-10% share of China’s total pork imports over time and expect to export about 200,000 — 250,000 tons annually. This could potentially double our exports, with projected revenues exceeding $1 billion,” Yuri Kovalev, Head of the National Union of Hog Breeders, previously told Agroexpert.  

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