Published: 08:49, July 4, 2024

SovEcon Raises Russia’s Wheat Yield Forecast Amid Improved Conditions

Owing to robust wheat production in Russia’s southern regions and favorable weather conditions, the ‘SovEcon’ analytical center has revised its forecast for Russia’s wheat output upwards to 84.1 million tons. This represents an increase from the previous estimate of 80.7 million tons, according to the center’s documents.

Credit: Polina Rytova / Unsplash

The revision indicates a relatively high initial yield in the southern region, despite expectations that the average yield will significantly decrease in the future, especially after the harvest season moves to the central and northern parts of the Rostov region, which were affected by spring frosts.

Besides that, the forecast indicates a marked improvement in weather conditions. Timely rains in the Center and Volga regions have helped wheat recover from early damage caused by drought and frosts. Experts also observe a modest increase in yields harvested in the Urals and Siberia following significant rainfall at the start of the season.

Production estimates for all key regions have been revised upward. Specifically, the harvest forecast for the country’s southern regions has increased from 31.5 million tons to 33.2 million tons.

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