Published: 17:58, July 2, 2024

State Duma to Consider Granting Rosrybolovstvo Authority for Regular Anti-Poaching Raids

Deputies from the Ivanovo region have submitted a proposal to the State Duma aimed at granting the Russian Federal Agency for Fisheries (Rosrybolovstvo) the authority to execute ongoing anti-poaching measures in national aquatic territories.

Photo by Alexander Plonsky / Agroexpert

The proposed amendments aim to enhance the Law on Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources.

The authors of this initiative believe it is crucial to establish state control over the fishing industry and ensure the preservation of aquatic biological resources through continuous enforcement efforts.

The measure will empower Rosrybolovstvo’s inspectors to carry out inspections, searches, interviews, and equipment checks, and to request documentation. At the same time, individuals subject to control are required to stop their activities upon the inspector’s demand and grant unhindered access to their vehicles and production facilities.

Under the existing regulations, unscheduled inspections involving fish producers can only be initiated with the prosecutor’s office’s authorization.

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