Published: 15:37, May 27, 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture announced a doubling of exports of dry dairy products in 2024

This year, export volumes of Russian dry dairy products are more than twice as high as the figures for the same period last year, and supplies to foreign markets of this category of dairy products must be increased to 75 thousand tons by the end of 2024. This was reported by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture following a meeting on increasing the supply of dairy products to foreign markets, which was chaired by the Minister of Agriculture Oksana Lut. The event was attended by heads of the largest enterprises in the industry and Soyuzmoloko.

The head of the department noted that in order to fulfill general export plans for the current year, the supply of dry dairy products must be increased to 75 thousand tons. According to her, this product is one of the most promising positions in foreign markets.

Last year, the development of the export potential of milk powder was facilitated, among other things, by measures taken to reduce producers’ costs on logistics.

“This year, export figures are more than double the figures for the same period last year,” the ministry said in a statement.  

Representatives of dairy industry enterprises noted that Russian products are highly valued by foreign partners. Modernization of factories, optimization of the production process, as well as support from the state have become a good incentive for the development of exports and the achievement of assigned tasks.  

During the meeting, manufacturers confirmed plans to increase supplies to target markets. At the same time, one of the most promising and capacious markets is China, which is becoming easier to enter today. In particular, as a representative of Komos Group noted, based on the year-long experience of its own division in China, the company offered participants in the Russian market services for customs clearance, clearance, distribution and payments. It allows you to speed up the search for Chinese partners, reduce the cost of customs operations and avoid many mistakes.

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