Published: 14:58, May 20, 2024

The Russian Federation will supply Jerusalem artichoke and new types of beef by-products to China

Russia and China, as part of the state visit to China by the country’s President Vladimir Putin, signed protocols allowing the export of Jerusalem artichoke and new types of beef by-products to the Chinese market. The documents were signed by the head of Rosselkhoznadzor, Sergei Dankvert, and the head of the General Customs Administration of the People’s Republic of China, Yu Jianhua.

Photo: Alexander Plonsky / Agroexpert

According to materials from the Russian department, the parties signed a protocol on phytosanitary requirements for Jerusalem artichoke exported from Russia to China. Large-scale work to ensure the admission of these products to the Chinese market has been carried out since 2022: negotiations have been held on the Russian side and extensive materials have been prepared confirming the serious level of control over the implementation of Chinese import requirements.

In addition, representatives of the departments re-signed the protocol regarding inspection, quarantine and veterinary sanitary requirements for beef exported from Russia to China.

“The new version of the protocol concluded in 2021 expands the list of by-products allowed for shipment to China. Beef cartilage, aortas and stomachs have been added to the list,” the message explains. The updated version adds requirements for these by-products, removes conditions regarding COVID-2019, and makes certain technical editorial changes.

According to the Russian agency, since the beginning of 2024, supplies of beef by-products from Russia to China have doubled compared to the same period last year. “Taking into account the high demand for by-products in China, expanding the list with new types will allow Russian exporters to increase profitability in beef production,” Rosselkhoznadzor believes.

The department emphasizes that the signing of these documents is of great importance for the further development of trade and economic relations between Russia and China, contributes to the expansion of supplies of Russian products to the territory of the PRC, and also opens up new trade opportunities in cooperation between the countries.

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