Published: 14:30, May 20, 2024

The Russian Ministry of Agriculture redistributed export quotas for grain

Quotas for grain exports have been redistributed, as follows from the order of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, a copy of which is at the disposal of Agroexpert.


The order reset quotas for five companies: Annovskoye, MG Export-Import, COFCO International RU, Avand, Louis Dreyfus Vostok Company. The export quota of Trade House «RIF» was reduced by 1.194 million tons.

These volumes were given to other exporters. Besides, the export quota of Green Gates increased by 1.864 million tons, exceeding 6 million tons. This trader ranks first in the ranking of the largest grain exporting companies. As of April 16, taking into account road and rail shipments, its share exceeded 20%, as calculated by the analytical company ProZerno.

Rosselkhoznadzor previously proposed redistributing quotas for grain exports, since the service began to receive complaints about the quality of supplied products from foreign buyers. In particular, service specialists sent 134 notifications of non-compliance of 252 batches of grain products to Trade House «RIF» and its counterparties both in 2023 and this year. Numerous warnings were issued after violations were discovered. Quarantine pests were detected in the products, and it was impossible to issue accompanying documents for the shipment. No measures were taken to improve the quality of the products, with quarantine pests being detected in the batches formed for shipment abroad. At a certain point, quality problems reached such a scale that the management of the grain trader mentioned the possible liquidation of the business. Bulk carriers from Trade House «RIF» loaded with grain for Egypt could not leave the port, and acceptance issues with the Egyptian side had to be resolved manually at the interstate level.

Recently, Trade House «RIF» has changed the name of the legal entity to Rodnye Polya.

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