Published: 14:56, May 20, 2024

The State Duma Agrarian Committee approved the candidacies of Dmitry Patrushev and Oksana Lut in the government

The State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues supported the candidacy of Dmitry Patrushev for the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and Oksana Lut for the post of Minister of Agriculture, according to the Telegram channel of the Russian government.


“The management team that Oksana Nikolaevna will build will do everything to achieve the tasks set by the President. Based on the results and developments laid down in recent years, together in a close dialogue we will continue to engage in the systematic development of the agro-industrial complex,” the message quotes words from Dmitry Patrushev’s speech at the committee meeting.

Later, his candidacy was also approved by the State Duma Committee on Ecology — in the position of Deputy Prime Minister, in addition to agriculture, he will also oversee environmental issues.

During his speech at the Agrarian Committee, Dmitry Patrushev also stated that Russia has the necessary foundation to fulfill the tasks in the agro-industrial complex set by the president in the May decree — to increase production by a quarter by 2030 and 1.5 times the export of agro-industrial products. In addition, work on import independence will continue, according to Dmitry Patrushev on the State Duma website.

Dmitry Patrushev also emphasized that the harvest expected in Russia this year, despite difficult weather conditions, will ensure the country’s food security. According to him, the same applies to livestock products, fisheries and processed products: this will allow farmers to saturate the domestic market and continue to fulfill export obligations.

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