Published: 15:18, May 20, 2024

The State Duma will consider in the first reading a bill banning the sale of energy drinks to children

The State Duma Committee on Economic Policy proposes to consider a bill banning the sale of energy drinks to children in the first reading at a plenary session on Tuesday, May 21, follows from documents posted in the electronic database of the lower chamber.


The explanatory note of the draft law states that today in Russia there is no federal law regulating activities in the retail sale of non-alcoholic tonic (including energy) drinks (NTD). Meanwhile, there is an urgent need for such regulation. This is evidenced by the fact that 65 regions of the Russian Federation have adopted laws that impose restrictions on the retail sale of NTD, including the sale of such products to minors.

Deputies believe that young people are buying energy drinks without any restrictions, consuming them in quantities that are harmful to their health. In addition, frequent drinking of these drinks is addictive and can lead to nervous and mental illnesses.

“We believe it is necessary and expedient to legislatively regulate the current situation and introduce restrictions on the retail sale of NTD to minors,” note the authors of the bill. The document was submitted to the State Duma for consideration by a group of deputies of the lower house in January 2024.

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